administrador 16 de diciembre de 2016 0 Comentarios

Casaverde Group inaugurates a “Memory Unit” in the neurorehabilitation clinic that opened its doors last September in the heart of Alicante. It is a space where seniors can train their brain to delay mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, etc.

In this Unit, professionals from the field of neurology, neuropsychology, speech therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, work to slow down the neurodegenerative process and the cognitive maintenance, strengthening brain areas such as attention, language, memory, etc.

The treatment has innovative and intensive methods and therapies using the new technologies to carry them out. The therapeutic program consist of group sessions in the medical centre combined with customised activities from home with the help of biotechnology of cognitive stimulation, where professionals design and manage different sessions of treatment, being able to graduate the difficulty of the tasks, adapting them to the cognitive level of the person, and assessing the evolution with the results obtained; in this way, as the medical as the neurocognitive treatment, can be managed better.


At the same time, the treatment works on the use of compensatory strategies and external aids (training in the use of the agenda, modification of the environment, visual instructions, reminders, and so on) that reduce the impact of the deficits on the daily functioning of people with cognitive impairment. Additionally, information, support, advice and management guidelines are also provided to the patient’s relatives, with a training to reduce the excessive burden of the main caregiver.


The “Memory Unit” is born as an answer to the needs of a growing population with a high prevalence in cognitive pathology. In this way, the approach of an active ageing helps to prevent the development of a neurodegenerative disease. After all, nowadays we already know that, in the race for maintain a good state of health, to train the brain is as important as to train the body.