With love to my beloved friend -The blog of our reditents

administrador 28 de junio de 2016 0 Comentarios

In Guardamar Casaverde centre the elderly people find all the support they need in the multidisciplinary team. One example of that can be easily founded in our resident and friend Beatriz Espinosa, who a few time ago, lost his daily battle partner, who met in the centre and had a beautiful friendship. Along with the psychologist, they have worked in order to elaborate a pretty song and dedicate it to him.

The Joaquin Sabina creations please me in general terms. One of the reasons I like them is that they use to be melancholic and romantic songs which are being picking out from the antihero and loser soul of a man and all those characteristics are touching for me.

I identify myself with the content of the aforesaid ballads because I also consider that I have an antihero and loser soul, just like many other human beings and animals.

In this life, it is possible to learn by suffering and losing; our being is built by all the pain we have been through. Without forgetting that, in spite of all, I always stand and remain in place, any of us can guess how long we will remain in that state. Therefore we have to pick up all the heart pieces tumbled to the ground and reassemble the cardiac viscera as if you were making a puzzle.

The scars will remain, of course! But we have to keep moving forward following the path of your destiny, not felling like if you were the saddest people in the world. Because it will always exists people who have been stolen, not his April but their existence itself.