Brain Awareness Week: Casaverde Foundation and Complutense University of Madrid

administrador 24 de marzo de 2017 0 Comentarios

On 15 March, on the occasion of the Brain Awareness Week 2017, from Casaverde Foundation, we wanted to organize a training session with Complutense University of Madrid.

Under the heading “The social intervention in traffic accidents”, and taught by the social worker of Casaverde’s Neurological Rehabilitation Hospital (Madrid) called Macarena Tormos, it tooks place at Social Work School and students from 3º and 4º course of the undergraduate program attended the event.


The training session started with a deep analysis of the current situation, and the consequences of traffic accidents. Later, we reflected about the stages people affected by a traffic accident goes through and their families. We put special emphasis on the social intervention during rehabilitation and reintegration stages. We  finalized with some ideas about legal aspects: rights and indemnities.

Following the presentation, it was the time to make questions and doubts.  Students make many really interesing observations.